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Events - Corporate Liability Provision Awareness Training

A commercial organization commits an offense if any person associated with that organization commits a corrupt or bribery act in order to obtain or retain business or advantage for the organization.

Section 17A (4) states that if a commercial organization is charged for the corporate liability offense, there is a defense for the commercial organization to prove that the commercial organization had in place "adequate procedures" designed to prevent a person(s) associated with the commercial organization from undertaking such conduct.

This 1-day Awareness Program is designed for MANAGEMENT and IMPLEMENTER to GRASP THE ESSENCE OF MACC ACT SECTION 17A and HOW TO ESTABLISH & IMPLEMENT AN EFFECTIVE ISO 37001:2016 ABMS complying to Guidelines on Adequate Procedures.

The contents will be delivered by a prominent facilitator, Dr. KM Loi (ISO/PC 278 Vice Chair; ISO 37001 Expert).

Details are as follows:

Date: 15th August 2019

Time: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm

Venue: Kelab Golf Perkhidmatan Awam (KGPA)

Fees: RM 799 / RM 699 (for registration more than 3 people)

Kindly refer to attached brochure for more information.  You may either confirm your registration via the link below or by submitting the attached form. For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.