No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving!

2006 Global Corruption Barometer press-releases

Press Releases

3% of respondents in Malaysia reported that in the past 12 months, they or someone living in their household paid a bribe in any form. Malaysia perform fairly well here.


The lowest corresponding figure regionally was in Singapore (1%) with the highest in Indonesia (18%), India (12%), Pakistan (15%), Philippines (16%) and Thailand (10%).


The average for 12 economies surveyed in Asia-Pacific was 7%, although China was not included in the survey.


Globally, the top scorers were Singapore, Switzerland, Finland and Sweden with 1%.


South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, UK, and USA reported 2%.


Other economies reporting 3% were Fiji, Japan and Canada.

The worst figures reported worldwide were in Cameroon (57%), Albania (66%), Morocco (60%) Bolivia (28%), Mexico (28%)


9% of Malaysians rated the current government’s actions in the fight against corruption as “Very Effective” with 36% rating it as effective.


This indicates that only 45% of Malaysians considered government effective in fighting corruption.


This contrasts poorly with top scorers e.g. Singapore (89%), Hong Kong (83%) but still places Malaysia as one of the highest ranking countries in this section


In the section on corruption’s impact on different sectors and institutions, for Malaysia, the police were ranked most corrupt, followed by political parties, business / private sector, parliament / legislature, registry and permit services, legal system / judiciary, tax / revenue and media.


TI – Malaysia once again reiterates that the Malaysian government must shown greater political will and administrative resolve to fight corruption seriously to enhance the nation’s competitive edge as a modern economy in a fast globalizing world.


Immediate steps that the government must take includes the establishment of the Independent Malaysian Police Management Commission (IMPMC), an independent Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) and ratification of the UN Convention Against Corruption.


TI-Malaysia also supports the initiative by the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan to monitor policemen who live beyond their means as a good example that should be followed by the civil service and government administration at all levels.


Issued by
Tan Sri (Dr) Ramon V. Navaratnam
Transparency International – Malaysia