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Integrity for Sarawak Election press-releases

Press Releases

Press Statement – Integrity for Sarawak Election


5 May, Kuala Lumpur - Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) urges all Sarawak election candidates to sign the Election Integrity Pledge. Introduced in March of 2012 for the 13th General Elections (GE), the Election Integrity Pledge is aimed at encouraging politicians to show their commitment to governing the state while endorsing values of transparency, integrity and accountability. Having being struck by various issues such as exploitation in natural resources, rise in the illegal immigrants and possible security threats, it’s high time that the leaders of Sarawak follow through the guidance provided by the pledge.
This Pledge is voluntary and self-regulatory, and a unilateral declaration of accountability to the general public. The candidate recognises that it is his/her responsibility to live up to the levels of integrity and ethics hoped for and expected by the voting public.The following contains guidance towards adherence to the above principles:
I. Candidates should ensure that public funds, resources and facilities are not used for campaigning.
II. Candidates should adhere to the Election Offences Act 1954 and regulations, including, but not limited to, Election Spending Limits and vote buying regulations.
III. Candidates and elected representatives should ensure that their actions and decisions are for the benefit of the general public and are not self-serving. They should practise transparency and openness through full disclosure to and free access to information by the public.
As of today, the Election Integrity Pledge opened for the Sarawak State Elections has been signed by one candidate, Yang Berhormat Tuan Baru Bian who represents Parti Keadilan Rakyat Sarawak. TI-M truly hopes other candidates would join in to sign the pledge to show their commitment in ensuring the practice of good governance in Sarawak by fighting corruption and promoting integrity.Citizens are encouraged to monitor their leaders who have pledged to clean governance. TI-M calls on the people of Sarawak to assume the responsibility of standing against corrupt practices and to demand accountability and transparency and to provide constructive feedback to their elected lawmakers through appropriate channels.
Dato’ Akhbar Satar
Transparency International-Malaysia is an independent, non-governmental and non-partisan organisation committed to the fight against corruption.