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Post Global Corruption Report 2009 press-releases

Press Releases

During the past few weeks, public statements and media coverage around the publication of Transparency International’s Global Corruption Report (GCR) 2009 on 23rd. September 2009 have caused a number of undue allegations and speculation regarding the exemplary work of Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) fighting corruption in this country.

On behalf of Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M)’s highest governing body, the Executive Council (Exco), I would like to provide you with the facts and current status of the Exco following our meeting on 12th October 2009.

Firstly, I am pleased to inform you that the leadership of TI-Malaysia is solid and our organisation shall immediately continue to devote itself to fighting and curbing corruption.

It is important to note that the GCR is an annual assessment of the state of corruption around the world with a yearly thematic focus, which in 2009 was devoted to the private sector. The report brings together leading experts and practitioners to identify and analyse new challenges, as well as explore solutions. The report is made up of three sections: thematic focus, country reports and research. The GCR 2009 included 47 country reports, one of which was a report on Malaysia, produced by TI- Malaysia. TI-Malaysia and the international secretariat of Transparency International based in Berlin confirm that the Malaysia country report is accurate.

The events that led to allegations of conflicts of interest and speculation regarding the handling of a country report on Malaysia included in the GCR 2009 are as follows:

– Following the release of the GCR 2009 on 23rd. September 2009, certain parties included in the Malaysia country report publicly stated that they are considering legal action against TI- Malaysia.

– A TI-Malaysia Exco member, Tan Sri Datuk Robert Phang, also questioned the accuracy of the Malaysia country report.

– ƒIn order to address these public reactions, an emergency meeting was called on 5th October 2009 specifically focused on the preparation of the Malaysia country report for CGR 2009.

– TI-Malaysia President, Datuk Paul Low voluntarily offered to take full responsibility for not having requested approval of the final draft report to the Exco and he resigned. Datuk Paul Low’s resignation was accepted by the Exco.

– It is important to distinguish the contents of the Malaysia country report published in the GCR 2009 from the process by which the report became a document. TI Secretariat (TI-S) in Berlin, Germany issued a call in March 2008, for TI National Chapters wishing to contribute to the 2009 edition of the GCR. In 2008, the then TI-Malaysia Executive Director asked Mr. Greg Lopez to author the country report for TI-Malaysia. The editorial process for the GCR is led by an editorial team at the TI-S Berlin. The process involved consultation between the GCR editorial team, author Greg Lopez and TI-Malaysia. This was followed by double-blind peer review, fact checking and libel check, which are standard procedures applied to the entire report, carried out by TI-S Berlin. The editorial team in charge of the GCR confirms that TI-Malaysia’s contribution to the report underwent all of these procedures.

– The TI-S Berlin’s GCR editorial team sent the final draft of the report (pending libel check) to TI-Malaysia, as well as to Mr. Greg Lopez and Datuk Paul Low for sign-off on 12th December 2008.

-The Malaysia country report was checked for libel by pro-bono legal counsel that collaborates with the TI-S Berlin. The GCR 2009 is published after this revision and thus the Malaysia country report published was submitted to this process.

– The entire process within TI-Malaysia has taken place without the benefit of the matter being brought for the purview and scrutiny of the Exco of TI-Malaysia. As a consequence to the resignation of then President Datuk Paul Low, I as the Deputy President have been asked by the Exco to become Acting President.

– The Exco which met on Monday, 12th October 2009 has endorsed and passed the minutes of the meeting of 5th October 2009. The Exco has agreed to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting as soon as possible to address the issues and if necessary to step down, thus providing the opportunity for the members to elect a new Exco.

Issued by
Dato’ Mohamed Iqbal
Acting President
Transparency International Malaysia