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Protect Whistleblowers -Urges TI-Malaysia press-releases

Press Releases

Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) lauds Malaysiakini’s recent disclosure of the names of three highprofile individuals involved in orchestrating a medical visa and counter-setting syndicate. We commend Malaysiakini’s investigative journalist’s role in exposing alleged corruption and shedding light on individuals who may be abusing their positions of power for illicit gains.

Malaysiakini journalist showed great bravery in becoming a whistleblower and bringing to light such unlawful activities. TI-M has always stressed upon the need for Malaysians to step forward if they have any information related to corruption and take on the mantle of a whistleblower, said TI-Malaysia president Dr Muhammad Mohan.

However, TI-M would like to reiterate the importance of safety for whistleblowers in Malaysia. As such, TI-M urges the Honourable Home Minister, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, to act swiftly and decisively in ensuring full protection for whistleblowers.

Extensive police protection has to be provided to the whistleblowers, who now face potential threats to their safety and well-being. We express the need for the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) to take on the role to provide protection for those involved and show that Malaysia has adequate protections in place for whistleblowers.

We take this opportunity to emphasise once again that whistleblower protection is the cornerstone of effective anti-corruption strategies. Individuals may be deterred from coming forward with information if the protections provided are inadequate. The government must show firm commitment to protect whistleblowers if they are serious in fighting corruption.

TI-M would like to remind that amending the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 to better protect whistleblowers is one of the sub strategies under Strategy 4: Enforcement of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS). The Madani Government must strike while the iron is hot to achieve completion of the NACS and ultimately its goal of increasing Malaysia’s rank in the Corruptions Perceptions Index (CPI) to top 25 within the next ten years.

We urge law enforcement agencies to collaborate in upholding the principles of transparency, accountability, and justice by supporting and protecting whistleblowers who act in the public’s best interests.




End Note to Editors: For clarification on any and all official statements from Transparency International – Malaysia (TI-M), kindly refer to its President, Dr Muhammad Mohan (