No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving!

Statement on Appointment of Selangor Local Councilors press-releases

Press Releases

TI-M applauds the Selangor Government for allocating state Local Council seats to representatives of NGOs. This represents an important step in allowing the voices of the people’s representatives to be heard at the local level. We however view with concern the delay in naming of new local councilors.

TI-M believes that this process should be done in a transparent manner, and calls on the Selangor government to engage with and seek the views of ratepayers before naming new councilors. Countries such as Bangladesh have adopted a Report Card model that allows ratepayers to rate the performance of councilors. TI-M suggests that details of new councilors be made available to the people and their views taken into account before appointments are made.

This will help in ensuring that the most important stakeholder in this exercise, the ratepayer, is involved in the selection process.

Issued by
Datuk Paul Low
Transparency International – Malaysia