No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving!

Statement on Contract Award to PLUS press-releases

Press Releases

TI-M calls on the government to implement the key initiatives identified by PEMANDU to improve transparency and accountability, specifically to disclose details of procurement contracts. The details of all concession contracts are of interest to all Malaysians as they involve public funds and costs to the public. TI-M calls for the disclosures of all concession contracts; the government, if it has the political will, should be able to disclose publicly all contracts either by providing for disclosure in the contracts or getting the contractors to agree to disclosure. Since this contract seems to require public funds and Government support and the public will be paying tolls, the contract should be awarded by open tender or some other means to ensure that the contract is, at the minimum, competitively priced.

Issued by
Datuk Paul Low
Transparency International – Malaysia