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TI-M endorses Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah’s call for Good Governance press-releases

Press Releases

Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) endorses Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah’s call for Good Governance (through easy access to information).

TI-M wholeheartedly supports the Raja Muda of Perak HRH Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah’s royal remarks calling for Good Governance in the country in his keynote address at the international conference organized by Universiti Malaya on The Challenges of Democratisation and Good Governance in the Malaysian Public Sector as reported in the media on August 14th 2007.


TI-M commends HRH Raja Dr. Nazrin’s recommendation that the public has to be involved in decision-making process that affects their lives and livelihood. In order for this to be facilitated there should be easy access to information – as a fundamental prerequisite for Good Governance. Raja Nazrin described Good Governance as the process by which public goals were achieved in an efficient, effective and ethical manner. This entails eradication of red tape and bureaucratic procedures which will help stave off high economic costs and inhibit opportunity for illicit payments. TI-M urges Government to accept and follow up with the following proposals urgently, especially through The Taskforce on Improving the Delivery System – PEMUDAH:


• The amount of regulation, permits and licenses must be reduced. By using the Internet, for example, there should be complete transparency for all permits and licenses retained. Tendering processes need to be made more competitive and transparent. Negotiated contracts should not be allowed except for very specialized contracts and this should be fully and publicly justified.

• Whistle-blowers should be protected against retaliation by those complained about.

• Good Governance entails full accountability by those in authority.

• There must be restraint on power accorded to public officials to serve the general public interest more fairly and equitably with greater transparency and integrity at all levels.


TI-M urges both the government and the Malaysian public to make a more proactive contribution towards promoting good governance, transparency, accountability and integrity in all aspects of public life in Malaysia. This goal can be pursued aggressively by taking more concrete steps to instill a culture of intolerance for corruption and injustice for the benefit of all Malaysians, as urged by HRH Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah. TI-M calls upon all true Malaysians who have our future at heart to stand up and speak out against corruption and the abuse of power that has been sadly increasing, according to several perception surveys.


TI-M looks up to all our leaders, and especially our royal heads of states, to please lead us all forward for a better Malaysia, on our 50th Merdeka Anniversary, before it is too late!


Issued by
Tan Sri (Dr) Ramon V. Navaratnam
Transparency International – Malaysia