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TI-M Sec-Gen Appointed as Vice-Chair to ISO/PC 278 – Anti-Bribery Management System press-releases

Press Releases

Press Statement, 4 April 2014, Kuala Lumpur – Transparency International-Malaysia (TI-M) lauds the appointment of its Secretary-General, Dr KM Loi as a Vice-Chair to ISO/PC 278 – Anti-Bribery Management System – for three (3) years beginning April 2014. ISO/PC 278, a Project Committee, is responsible for the developing of ISO 37001 – Anti-Bribery Management System standard which will specify a set of requirements to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives to ensure a robust set of anti-bribery measures are put in place. This Standard sets out requirements for a management system designed to help an organization to prevent and detect bribery and comply with anti-bribery laws applicable to its activities. However, this anti-bribery management system does not address fraud, cartels, money-laundering or other activities related to corrupt practices.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards. International Standards give state of the art specifications for products, services and good practice, helping to make industry more efficient and effective. Standards are developed through global consensus and they help to break down barriers to international trade. ISO is a network of 164 national standards bodies who make up the ISO membership and represent ISO in their country. Members participating in technical committees form national mirror committees with relevant stake holder groups
Both the Chair and Vice-Chair of ISO/PC 278 Project Committee is nominated by the secretariat of the committee and approved by ISO Technical Management Board. The Chair, Mr. Neill Stansbury is from United Kingdom and the Vice-Chair is, indeed, from Malaysia. While the Chair retains ultimate responsibility for the chairmanship of ISO/PC 278, the Vice-Chair must be delegated specific tasks by the Chair with the following responsibilities :-

• Monitor the development of the proposed anti-bribery management system standard by ISO/PC 278
• Check whether the ISO deliverables developed by ISO/PC 278 properly take into account the needs of developing countries;
• Fulfil additional liaison functions between ISO/PC 278 and members/prospective members from developing countries;
• Chair all or parts of meetings, at the request of the Chair.

Dr KM Loi has been involved in the development of international standards since 1997 when he was first appointed as member of Malaysia National Standard Committee. He represented Malaysia as an expert in ISO 9001 – Quality Management System, ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System and ISO 26000 – Social Responsibility. Dr KM Loi is a Fellow of Institute of Quality Malaysia. With his rich knowledge and vast experience in standard development at both national and international level and being involved in Transparency International Malaysia since 2000, he is now tasked to lead Malaysia into a new dimension and co-chairing an ISO Committee at international platform in the developing of anti-bribery management system standard.
TI-M wishes to congratulate Dr KM Loi for his appointment as Vice-Chair to ISO/PC 278 and admires his desire, discipline, dedication, determination, and commitment in fighting and curbing corruption not only through standard development but also playing his various roles and responsibilities in TI-Malaysia.

Issued by :
Dato’ Akhbar Satar, President Email:
Transparency International Malaysia Mobile: 017-256 0811