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TI Malaysia calls for PKR election to be free of money politics press-releases

Press Releases

The coming PKR party election will be closely watched by people who have an interest in the outcomes or the process as an indication as to whether PKR can be trusted to form a credible government. The interest is not only in who is standing for what position but also on how the election is being conducted. Unfortunately, too many internal political party elections have been tainted by money politics. Money politics is political corruption and it is the mother of all corruption as it not only undermines the democratic process of election but makes the candidates to be beholden to their funders to the detriment of the people.

Therefore, if PKR stands for clean, accountable and transparent governance, then all its candidates must walk the talk and refrain from money politicking. The people are watching closely and TI Malaysia hopes that the election will be conducted freely, fairly and responsibly, and free of money politics so that the candidates can be elected based on their integrity, competency and commitment to serve the people without the influence of money.

Issued by
Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan
Transparency International – Malaysia