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Corporate Integrity System Malaysia

Transparency International-Malaysia’s (TI-M) 9th Business Integrity Best Practice Sharing Session was successfully held at TM Convention Centre on 19th October 2016. The session was well attended by 83 delegates from 28 companies and related agencies, departments and statutory bodies like Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Companies Commission of Malaysia, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Malaysian Institute of Integrity, High Commission of Canada, Prime Minister’s Office and PEMANDU. TI-M wishes to express our highest gratitude and appreciation to Telekom Malaysia to host the sharing session. The collaboration between TELEKOM and TI-M is remarkable as both parties shared the same mission to foster a culture of integrity among the business community in Malaysia.

In the past four year, TI-M has organized and facilitated best practice visits and sharing sessions with companies displaying impressive levels of dedication towards transparency, integrity and corporate governance. The host companies are TOP GLOVES SDN BHD, THUMBPRINTS UTD SDN BHD, PKNS, SIEMENS MALAYSIA, MERCEDES BENZ MALAYSIA SDN BHD, SIME DARBY, PETRONAS and NESTLE. We believed that participants not only gained the essence of integrity initiatives that had been implemented by host companies but also brought back useful ideas and practical solutions for their respective organization.

The session started with welcoming remarks from Dato’ Akhbar Satar, President of TI-M and followed by Mr. Idrus bin Ismail, TM’s Chief Legal, Compliance & Companies who emphasized their ongoing commitment and impactful strategy to uphold TM’s KRISTSAL value “Uncompromising Integrity”. After a networking break, Mr. Hazimi bin Kassim, Chief Internal Auditor has delivered a special sharing on topic “Spreading Values to Enhance Integrity and Governance Towards Digital Environments”. He shared TM’s corporate governance framework, internal control and risk management policies, fraud management and also emphasized how TM manages the emerging risks on cybersecurity and privacy in digital business.


While TM ventures in strengthening internal integrity and compliance framework, we are pleased to see the organization adopted the concept of Integrity Pact introduced by Transparency International in the tendering process. This is a legally binding precondition to TM bidders and contractors and best described as preventative mechanism against corruption to raise the awareness in the industry. The session continued with the Introduction of ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System by Dr. KM Loi, Vice President of TI-M. This newly published Standard is gaining its momentum to be apprised. Public-listed companies, state-owned enterprises, multinationals and small and medium enterprises are welcomed to adopt and implement the standard to convince stakeholders and gain the competitive edge over their peers.

It is our belief that best practice sharing sessions could elevate the level of integrity, transparency and good governance among businesses in Malaysia. TI-M calls for companies to join our business integrity community and showcase anti-corruption and anti-bribery control measures to others as part of their Integrity Strategy. TI-M would be most pleased to facilitate this platform to embrace greater transparency in the business conducts using the international methodologies with local best practices.