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Rakyat is Watching You! Transparency International Warns Politicians press-releases

Press Releases

The Rakyat have been loud and clear on May 9, 2018; we have Zero Tolerance for a corrupt government. We will not stand money politics, oppressive regimes built on lies, and bribery as a means to rule!

Transparency International Malaysia reiterates the statement made by the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission; all parties attempting to seize power through bribery and promises of wealth and contracts should be investigated and charged with corruption.

The rakyat have had enough of money politics and bribery - no more will be tolerated. Our message to all elected representatives is that the rakyat, civil society and law enforcement are watching you! There will be no impunity to any parties attempting to “buy over” power and support.

Transparency International Malaysia President Muhammad Mohan urges all Malaysians who have information on corruption and bribery to step forward and serve your country by providing evidence to the MACC. We must purge the political sphere of money politics and politicians who are “up for sale”!

Note to Editors: For clarification on any and all official statements from Transparency
International – Malaysia (TI-M), kindly refer to its President, Dr Muhammad Mohan