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Release all detained under the Emergency Ordinance press-releases

Release all detained under the Emergency Ordinance
Press Releases

Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) views with grave concern the recent use of the Emergency Ordinance to detain Sungai Siput Member of Parliament YB Dr Michael Kumar Devaraj and five members of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM). TI-M calls for their immediate release.

As a member in the Royal Police Commission (RPC), TI-M had recommended that the Emergency Ordinance be repealed as it has outlived its purpose (page 310 of the RPC 2005 report).

TI-M has repeatedly called for the repeal of existing laws which allow for detention without trial. These laws go against the basic principles of human rights, and are subject to abuse.

TI-M urges the relevant authorities to discharge their duty with transparency and integrity  and not apply archaic laws to detain political and social activists as this will undermine their professional integrity in the eyes of the rakyat as well as the international community.

Issued by
Datuk Paul Low,
President, Transparency International Malaysia