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TI-M decides to terminate Josie Fernandez’s Membership with TI-M press-releases

TI-M decides to terminate Josie Fernandez’s Membership with TI-M
Press Releases

After much deliberation, and with deep regrets, The Malaysian Society for Transparency and Integrity (TI-M) has decided to terminate the membership of Ms. Josie Fernandez with effect from Monday, 02 September 2013.

At the 7th Executive Committee (Exco) Meeting held on 02nd September 2013, the Exco deliberated at length on her reply to the show-cause letter which was issued on 16th August 2013. With careful consultation with Transparency International Secretariat in Berlin (TI-S Berlin), the Exco unanimously agreed that it would be in the best interest of The Malaysian Society for Transparency and Integrity (TI-M) to terminate Ms Fernandez’s membership in the Society with immediate effect in view of her various actions and conduct which the Exco deems to be against the interests of the Society. The termination was decided based on ARTICLE VIII: SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP Clauses (3) and (4):

3. If the Executive Committee considers it to be in the interest of the Society to terminate the membership of a member for a reason other than unpaid dues, it shall send a written notice to that member to show cause within two weeks of the date of the notice why his membership should not be terminated. If the Executive Committee fails to receive an explanation within the specified period or if the Executive Committee receives an explanation but considers it to be unsatisfactory, the Executive Committee may suspend or terminate the membership of the member without any conditions or on such conditions as the Executive Committee deems fit. The General Meeting may consider any appeal by the suspended or terminated member, and the General Meeting shall have the power to lift the suspension or revoke the termination of membership of the member.

4. Any person shall, upon ceasing to be a member of the Society, forfeit all rights and claims upon the property and funds of the Society.

Ms. Josie Fernandez is therefore prohibited, with immediate effect, from officially representing The Malaysian Society of Transparency and Integrity (TI-M) either as a member or its Secretary-General, and she is strongly advised to cease using an email account she created herself (“Transparency International (”) or referring herself as the Secretary-General of TI-M or to send spam emails to members of the organisation to create further confusion.

Issued by:
Dato’ Akhbar bin Satar,
Transparency International Malaysia