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TI-M’s President confirms no pact or pledge for Christianity as official religion or Christian Prime Minister press-releases

TI-M’s President confirms no pact or pledge for Christianity as official religion or Christian Prime Minister
Press Releases

Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) expresses grave concern concerning the recent allegations made by bloggers, Utusan Malaysia and Mohamed Razali Abdul Rahman that a pledge or pact was made by Christian Pastors and the DAP to make Christianity the official religion of the country and to install a Christian as a Prime Minister. Such allegations are not constructive to nation-building and have seriously affected the harmony and unity of the country.

As I was invited as TI-M’s President to speak on “Corruption in Malaysia and Instruments of Accountability” at the Unashamedly Ethical Conference (UEC) and was a guest at the privately organised pre-conference dinner on the evening of 5th May 2011, I was an independent witness to the events.
UEC conferences are organised to promote ethical, good values and clean living especially amongst the Christian Community all over the world. Unashamedly Ethical (UE) is a movement ( that brings Christians to make a commitment to say no to bribery and corruption under the UE covenant campaign which Christians in many countries have adopted. Details of the commitment are as follows:

1.   To be entirely truthful in all I say
2.   To be faithful to my family relationships
3.   To do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but to look out for the interests of others
4.   To refuse to elicit, accept or pay bribes
5.   To be a diligent leader without being harsh and to pay my staff what is just and fair
6.   To be a peacemaker
7.   To do my work wholeheartedly
8.   To submit myself to just and ethical governing authorities
9.   To  remember  the  poor  by  investing  generously  and  sacrificially  in  the  broader community
10. To collaborate with my peers to impact our community and nation.

Other pledges that were presented at the conference included the Corporate Integrity pledge promoted by IIM (Institute of Integrity Malaysia), PEMANDU and TI-M. The pact that was discussed was the Integrity Pact, an anti-corruption tool developed by TI, and supported and adopted by the Government.

As TI-M stands for truth, transparency and integrity and this issue not only has not been resolved but is still escalating, it is necessary for me, as an independent witness, to clarify whether the alleged pact or pledge was made.

I categorically confirm that no pact or pledge for Christianity as official religion or for a Christian Prime Minister was made on the evening of 5th  May or at any time during the conference.  I have not been asked to give my statement to the Police doing the probe, but will gladly do so upon request.

Issued by
Transparency International Malaysia
Datuk Paul Low