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TI’s 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) Results indexes

TI’s 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) Results

PRESS STATEMENT, Tuesday 3 December 2013, Kuala Lumpur – Transparency International (TI) today released its Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2013 results. The 2013 CPI draws on data sources from independent institutions specializing in governance and business climate analysis. The sources of information used for the 2013 CPI are based on data gathered in the past 24 months. The CPI includes only sources that provide a score for a set of countries/territories and that measure perceptions of corruption in the public sector. The assessment was made for 177 countries based on the methodology which allow for more accurate year by year comparison. The CPI 2013 scores range from 0 to 100 (0 being most corrupt and 100 be corruption free).

Malaysia has improved its standing in the 2013 Corruption Perception Index, from country ranking of 54th position in 2012 to 53rd out of 177 countries. Malaysia’s CPI score is 50/100 compared to 2012 of 49/100.

Malaysia’s position continues to be in the mid-range average, indicating that while many steps have been implemented under the GTP/NKRA initiatives, the level of corruption experienced in Malaysia has not significantly decreased.

Stronger measures and practices need to be enforced and must be taken to eliminate entrenched interests and processes that support abuses. Transparency International-Malaysia (TI-M) calls for the Malaysian Government to take note of and implement the following recommendations immediately in order to eliminate corruption completely:-

1. Restore public confidence in the government’s commitment to fighting corruption – pursue corruption cases of officials at the highest levels without fear or favour.

2. Improve transparency :
• Repeal Section 203A of the Penal Code amendment
• Repeal Official Secrets Act and replace with* a federal Freedom of Information Act
• Public disclosure of assets, income and liabilities*
• Review weaknesses in Whistleblowers Protection Act – requirement to report to an enforcement agency – being subject to confidentiality in other legislation.

3. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC):
• Grant more autonomy and independence without undue pressure or interference.
• Provide the necessary resources for enhanced productivity and professionalism.
• As a law enforcement agency, MACC should improve and increase enforcement, intelligence and evidence-gathering in order to boost public support and deter potential corruption.

4. Amend Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 to close loopholes:
• Section 23 – an administration member can award contracts, tenders and procurement to a relative or associate merely with a declaration of interest.
• Section 36 – no power to require a declaration of assets without initiating a corruption investigation.
• Include power to require explanation of “unusual wealth” that is not commensurate with income. (Already applicable to public officers).

5. Corporate Liability : Companies should also be punished together with their employees for corruption offences committed by their employees for the benefit of the companies.

6. Stiffer penalties for corruption convictions.

7. Implement TI-M’s recommendations for reforms of political financing for political parties to be more transparent and accountable in how they receive and spend political donations.

8. Procurement:
• No privatisation and mega projects/ contracts without open tenders and competitive bidding.
• Ensure full implementation of TI’s Integrity Pacts in all public procurement exercises (including defence procurement), and ensure transparency by publishing all details of privatisation projects and procurement contracts online (including directly negotiated contract that must be only awarded in truly exceptional cases).

9. Electoral reform and reform of the Election Commission for better oversight and accountability and to ensure more autonomy, impartiality and integrity at federal and state elections.

10. Adoption of ‘Open Government Partnership’ to ensure better representation, better laws, better governance and better results.


Issued by :
Dato’ Akhbar Satar, President Email :
Transparency International Malaysia Mobile : 017-256 0811

Dr KM Loi, Secretary-General Email :
Transparency International Malaysia Mobile : 012-303 6757


Press Statement 32 – CPI 2013

CPI 2013 Presentation Results

For global results, please click here: