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Reforming Political Financing in Malaysia: Meeting with Members of Parliament reforming-political-financing

Reforming Political Financing in Malaysia: Meeting with Members of Parliament
Reforming Political Financing

A roundtable discussion with Members of Parliament (MPs) was organised by Transparency International – Malaysia (TI-M); comprising two meetings, with Pakatan Rakyat (PR) MPs representing the opposition, and Y.B Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz, de facto Law Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department representing the government. The Roundtable was supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with Ms Sabine Knoers, Policy Officer Economic Department attending.

The main objective of the discussion was to gather feedback, opinions, and ultimately the MPs’ endorsement from for TI-M’s recommendations, which is crucial as they will be responsible for implementing the reforms. TI-M hoped that the discussion would provide an effective forum for a direct dialogue with the MPs and to explain TI-M’s position and expectations on the recommendations.

Please click below for full report:
Meeting with MPs