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TI BIP Malaysia Sdn Bhd Signs Corporate Integrity Pledge

TI BIP Malaysia Sdn Bhd Signs Corporate Integrity Pledge
Corporate Integrity System Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday 31 December – In line with our good governance principal, TI BIP Malaysia Sdn Bhd is now a signatory to the Corporate Integrity System Malaysia’s Corporate Integrity Pledge. We pledge that we shall:

  • not, thorough any of our employees, representatives or agents, commit any corruption offence under any law, such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 or Penal Code;
  • not conduct any business practices or activities that would require or encourage any of our employees, representatives or agents to commit such offences;
  • work together with our business partners, regulators and law enforcement agencies to create a business environment that is free from corruption; and
  • uphold the Anti-Corruption Principles for Corporations in Malaysia in the conduct of our business and in our interactions with business partners and government agencies

TI BIP Malaysia Sdn Bhd Signs CIP