No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving!

Corporate Membership


Our Active Corporate Members: 



















Do you believe in the values that uphold GOOD GOVERNANCE?

Do you believe that COLLECTIVE ACTION could bring about a positive change to the nation?

Do you wish to be a part of a team that promotes INTEGRITY?

Do you wish to be part of THE VOICE against corruption?

In effort to gather more organizations into our pool of members, TI-M would like to extend an invitation to your corporation!

As a TI-M member, you would be able to contribute your ideas and initiatives that builds the nation through anti-corruption works and promote and enhance integrity and good governance and help improve ethical and moral values within the organization.


Annual Fees:

Corporate Membership:

  Category   Annual Fee
  Organisations and companies without paid up capital and companies with paid-up capital up to RM 2.5 million      RM 1,000
  Companies with paid-up capital exceeding RM 2.5 million but not exceeding RM 10 million   RM 3,000
  Companies with paid-up capital exceeding RM 10 million   RM 5,000

Application Form



Please provide a one page explanation on:

Each application must be supported by a TI-M member:

Please submit your application form together with your company profile and other relevant documentations such as registration/incorporation documents to support your organization’s application.