No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving!

Press Releases

Unmask The Corrupt Launch
Press Releases

Unmask The Corrupt Launch

We would like to announce that Unmask the Corrupt launch will be held at Armada Hotel in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, on 2nd September 2014 (Tuesday). Un...

Unmask the Corrupt Logo Contest
Press Releases

Unmask the Corrupt Logo Contest

The Unmask the Corrupt (UtC) Logo contest is organized by Transparency International – Malaysia (TI-M) to encourage public to interpret “UtC” in their...

Press Releases

G20 leaders: Unmask the corrupt

PRESS STATEMENT, 19 June 2014, Berlin/Melbourne – G20 officials meeting in Australia later this year must make it harder for the corrupt to hide behin...

Press Releases

G20 leaders: Unmask the corrupt

PRESS STATEMENT, 19 June 2014, Berlin/Melbourne – G20 officials meeting in Australia later this year must make it harder for the corrupt to hide behin...