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TI BIP Regional Chapters Support

TI BIP Regional Chapters Support
BIP Events

Bribery in business remains a major concern worldwide. It adversely distorts the market mechanism: driving costs up, and lowering the quality of goods and services. In recent years, hefty fines, damaged reputations and jail sentences were imposed on corporations and their employees for indulging in corrupt practices. These penalties clearly indicate that the cost and risks of using corrupt practices in business grossly outweighs its potential rewards.

In view of the challenges and risks posed by corruption in the private sector, Transparency International Malaysia established the Business Integrity Programme (BIP) in 2011 to promote business integrity among Malaysian companies through the implementation of anti-corruption systems. BIP was also established in line with the TI Strategy 2015 to promote zero-tolerance of bribery and corruption in the private sector.

Since its inception, TI-Malaysia’s BIP gained much traction through its works with corporations to set up anti-corruption systems such as Corporate Integrity System (CIS). With all the valuable experience and expertise gained through the design and implementation of comprehensive CIS, TI-Malaysia is working to set up BIP units with National Chapters in the TI global movement.  The BIP Chapters Support involves the following:

  • Providing advice and consultation to establish BIP units
  • Developing  and sharing up-to-date business integrity solutions and materials
  • Providing support in the delivery of anti-corruption system projects
  • Providing training and support to BIP managers and officers