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Business Integrity Programme bip-events

Business Integrity Programme
BIP Events

Corruption is a great challenge and an obstacle to good business. Corruption adds to the cost of doing business, distorts competition and presents serious legal and reputational risks. In more recent times, the fight against corruption has gained momentum nationally and internationally, with many countries tightening or introducing new anti-bribery laws. Recognising the need to improve accountability, transparency and governance, TI-M established the Business Integrity Programme (BIP) to help businesses, governments and civil society achieve their goals since May 2011.

The objectives of the BIP are:

* To improve governance, accountability, integrity and transparency in the business sector

* To provide the services required by companies to deliver effective business integrity programmes

* To support and strengthen Government initiatives in enhancing business integrity

TI works with companies, state enterprise, government departments and charities to help them in protecting their operations against corruption. We work with a wide range of organisations, from those with significant challenges, to those with strong procedures already in place and which seek to push back the boundaries of excellence and integrity still further. Much of our work is best practice, and used in TI chapters across the region to enhance business and organisational integrity in a wide variety of fields.

For further details on the services provided by TI-M under the BIP, click here