The Youth Integrity Promotion (YIP) programme seeks to mobilise young people in Malaysia in the fight against corruption on two levels:
1) First, as a force against current corruption in government, private sector, and other parts of society,
2) And, secondly as a new generation of leadership that needs to learn to make ethical choices and act.
Corruption is recognised as a problem that needs to be tackled through generational change. With a large and growing percentage of youth in Malaysia, they are a key target for long-term anti-corruption efforts.
Integrity, like corruption, is learned. Unfortunately, in many countries for rich and poor alike, positive examples of integrity for youth to emulate are few and far between. Whereas older generations may have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo – rendering changes in attitudes are difficult – youth are usually more open to change and possess the courage and vitality that can bring that change to fruition. A greater mobilisation of various stakeholders, including youth itself, is necessary to ensure the rejection of corruption and the practice of integrity among youth is not only achieved but sustained.
The YIP programme will be implemented through a series of activities and research, in collaboration with a variation of stakeholders. This will include:
1) Research – Youth Integrity Survey (YIS)
2) Advocacy and outreach – through camps, events, competitions, workshops and training